Saturday, May 22, 2010

Imaginatist Manifesto

1. Art is the manifestation of the imagination.

a. Imagination is a function of the mind which arranges and combines known elements to create new things.

b. Imagination is something everybody has.

2. Expression of imagination is more important than any particular way or form it is expressed in. So we are not primarily painters, or poets, or even artists, but imaginatists.

a. Set forms and mediums can distract and limit the imagination, which is much more fluid than those forms or mediums.

3. Expression of imagination is more important than mimicking reality. It certainly takes skill and is interesting to mimic reality, but it doesn't necessarily require imagination.

4. Expression of imagination is more important than the skill with which it is expressed. Even an un-artistically trained person, if they focus on imagination and its expression, can be a master imaginatist.

5. Imagination, when truly manifest, bridges the gap between minds, and helps people realize there are other thinking, imagining entities in the universe.

a. Art is a conduit for love.

Become an imaginatist today!

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