Monday, July 28, 2008

Here in the Land of Slack (March 1, 1999)

Here in the land of Slack

I can hear the blood
  in the capillaries in my ears

I can hear the quiet whining
  of my nervous system

Here in the land of Slack

I'm writing this poem
  and my fingers are stained
    with the ink of my new pen

Here in the land of Slack

Before you know it
  it's 3 in the morning
    and you're lying
      in a tent
        in my living room

-Jim DuBois

Introducing: Jim DuBois

Hi, it's me, the guy who started this blog. I have been a poet and game designer for a long time. Recently I have taken up painting and drawing. I am interested in promoting creativity in the world around me. This blog is an effort in that direction.

My websites:
Arcane Journeys My games
Return of the Slacker My original poetry